Dawn Ellerd

Dawn is proceeding through stay-at-home-parenthood as a bit of a handicraft dabbler. A serious crochet habit has lately been moderated by judicious amounts of knitting, spinning and hand-loom weaving. There may occasionally be beading. And possibly soap making. Oh yeah, and a lot of  foodie-type things. She has written for Interweave Crochet, was a regular columnist for the now-defunct Lime & Violet’s Daily Chum website, and is currently designing for Briar Rose Fibers. In general, she is simply shocked silly to find herself somewhere in her 30s as full time caretaker of a menagerie that consists of various little people, English bulldogs and a husband. When spare minutes allow or an avalanche of photos force her to dig out, she blogs irregularly at Crochet Compulsive and Tweets regularly at CrochetCompulsiv.